Friday, February 26, 2016

New Family Message Board

For the last 8 years we have had our little message board hanging in our various homes. This is always the landing place for bills to be paid, misc. paperwork, and most importantly our sunglasses. Well after 8 years it was on it's last leg. Seriously it was a mess and a gigantic eyesore.  
After perusing Pinterest for a while and finding 500 solutions to this I had to really think about what I wanted. I wanted a designated space for pending bills, my checkbook, and my sunglasses. I just needed a simple space. Really that's it. Oh and maybe a few pictures. I was sitting in the car dealership waiting room the other day and found my inspiration. Odd place I know but they had an entire wall of cork board. There it was. I needed something simple that can be changed as needed. It can also be custom to the space and my needs. I went to the store and spent around $10 on square cork boards and wooden pushpins. It took me around 30 minutes to trim the squares to fit the space, put the sticky tape on, and tack some things up. Done.  A new family message board after 8 years.
I didn't really style it. I just threw up a bunch of stuff for the picture. I found a couple of metal wall vases that are perfect for bills, stamps, and checkbooks. So simple and easy yet exactly what I was looking for. Who knew I would find my inspiration in a car dealership waiting room. Also I had to hang a frame because there is an outlet there. Yes an outlet... 

I think my favorite part was putting these two pictures together (below). From one of our first dates to Mesa falls (Summer '06) to last summer in the same spot. Feels like yesterday. 
While this isn't the most exciting or difficult update, I am stoked. Every little update make me love our home that much more. 

Side note: I need to put some finishing nails in the cork board because if you hang something semi heavy the tape will not hold. I found that out around midnight last night...

Happy Weekend!

ps// Lowes' is having a flooring sale this weekend! Brian is picking up our kitchen flooring on the way home from work today. I guess this is what we will be doing this weekend. 

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