Thursday, July 10, 2014


After 3 months of living in our house we finally got some furniture! I will tell you that being pregnant and not having a couch was not fun. I had a hard time committing and was holding our for the perfect thrifted find. Well that didn't happen. We checked every good thrift store weekend after weekend until we (mostly me) caved and went to a furniture store. We walked in to the first store and immediately found the perfect set. 

I actually had my mind on a light (preferably grey) couch. With the walls grey and the rug grey and probably everything else grey Brian convinced me that color was the way to go. 

Let's take a peak back to where we started with our little living room.

Sorry this picture is terrible. It was a super dark rainy day. 

Then I showed you this progress picture after we painted the walls and trim. 

Keep in mind we still have plenty to do but here we are today.

I have done ZERO decorating in here so there is still plenty to do. We just got some curtains from West Elm and those are gonna get hung up pronto (that afternoon sun is killer). We also plan on hanging that mirror ($10 yard sale find)above the love seat. I need to get on decorating above the fireplace. We haven't decided yet if we are gonna put a TV up there. Our TV currently resides in the sun room.

So this is where we are now. We have a ton of unfinished projects but not much to show just yet. At 37 weeks pregnant I just finished painting the hallway today and my back is going to need a good 24 hours rest. We are nowhere near completing our "before baby" checklist but everything we do cross off is exciting. Hopefully I will have more to show after this weekend.  

Happy Thursday!

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